For all your bird problems from
waste removal to bird prevention

Call Now: 0208 045 0445

Outside office hours: 0845 053 1662

For all your bird problems from waste removal to bird prevention

Call Now: 0208 045 0445

Outside office hours: 0845 053 1662

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London Bird &
Pest Control Services

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Ballast Nets

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Ballast Nets and Commercial Bird Control:

In construction and industrial settings, ballast nets are often used to prevent birds from picking up and dropping ballast pebbles, which can be a major safety hazard. Ballast netting is a cost effective solution to preventing birds damaging your property, as well as being potential hazards to members of the public and the surrounding area in general. The netting is used to cover the ballast pebbles tightly stopping larger birds, such as seagulls and crows, from picking them up and later dropping them whilst in flight. This simple method of protection prevents serious health and safety risks from occurring, such as windows being smashed, cars being damaged, and pedestrians and drivers being injured from falling pebbles.

We offer a range of net sizes including 50mm, 19mm, and 8mm. The nets are not dipped in flame free but rather made from these matrials instead. By making them out of these materials, the ballast netting is then much more suitable for outdoor use unlike dipped nets. In adverse weather, the coating found on dipped netting can wash off.

When looking at your requirements we do consider stone fragments being smaller than the general pebble size. This is an important factor in the selection of net gap size. We have both piercing and non-piercing methods of attachment available, which is subject to circumstance and the building construction.

Get in Touch

Regional Environmental is an established pest control company who provide London bird control services.